
马丽峰1,2, 李佐同1,2,*, 杨克军1,2, 赵长江1,2,*, 徐晶宇1,2, 杨荣斌3, 于高波1,2, 赵莹1, 石新新1, 许艳梅1, 刘承1, 闫博巍1
1黑龙江八一农垦大学农学院, 黑龙江大庆163319; 2黑龙江省教育厅寒地作物种质改良与栽培重点实验室, 黑龙江大庆163319; 3北大荒垦丰种业股份有限公司北安分公司, 黑龙江黑河164000

通信作者:李佐同;E-mail: lxg6401999@163.com; zhaocj15@126.com;Tel: 0459-6819001; 0459-6819185

摘 要:

以水稻品种‘空育131’为材料, 进行2、4、6、8 d没顶淹水处理并恢复3 d, 研究不同程度淹水对水稻生长及抗氧化酶活性的影响。结果表明, 随淹水处理时间的延长, 叶片和节间显著伸长, 导致水稻徒长; 光合色素及相对含水量下降; 过氧化氢(H2O2)含量逐渐升高, 丙二醛(MDA)含量先升后降, 在没顶淹水4 d时达到顶点; 超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性先升后降, 在没顶淹水6 d时分别增加80.91%和51.54%, 过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性在没顶淹水8 d比对照增加66.59%, 抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)活性相对稳定, 谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GPX)活性先升后降, 在淹水4 d时增加78.82%。去水恢复后水稻幼苗仍倒伏, 所有处理的地上和地下部干重均增加, 淹水2和4 d后恢复的水稻根冠比上升, 淹水6和8 d后恢复的水稻根冠比下降; MDA和H2O2含量持续增加, 促使CAT和APX活性相应增加, 以参与活性氧的清除。结果表明, 淹水导致光合色素含量和植株相对含水量下降, 酶促和非酶活性氧防卫系统急剧开启, 根冠比失调、植株营养失衡, 全株徒长和去水倒伏; 恢复期通过提高CAT和APX活性, 清除不断增加的活性氧, 淹水处理的程度不同, 根冠比变化不同, 恢复机制也不同。

关键词:水稻; 淹水; 抗氧化酶活性

收稿:2015-01-23   修定:2015-06-26


Effects of Submergence on Growth and Antioxidant Enzymes Activities of Sensitive Rice (Oryza sativa) Seedlings

MA Li-Feng1,2, LI Zuo-Tong1,2,*, YANG Ke-Jun1,2, ZHAO Chang-Jiang1,2,*, XU Jing-Yu1,2, YANG Rong-Bin3, YU Gao-Bo1,2, ZHAO Ying1, SHI Xin-Xin1, XU Yang-Mei1, LIU Cheng1, YANG Bo-Wei1
1College of Agronomy, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University, Daqing, Heilongjiang 163319, China; 2Key Laboratory of Crop Germplasm Improvement and Cultivation in Cold Regions of Heilongjiang Province Education Department, Daqing, Heilongjiang 163319, China; 3Beidahuang Kenfeng Seed Company Limited Beian Branches, Heihe, Heilongjiang 164000, China

Corresponding author: LI Zuo-Tong; E-mail: lxg6401999@163.com; zhaocj15@126.com; Tel: 0459-6819001; 0459-6819185


In this study, rice (Oryza sativa) ‘Kongyu 131’ was used as experimental material, 2, 4, 6, 8-day submergence treatments and a subsequent 3-day recovery were conducted, and the impacts of different degrees of submergence on the growth and antioxidant parameters of rice were investigated. The results showed that the significant elongation of leaves and internodes resulted in overgrowth of rice seedlings; photosynthetic pigments and relative water content decreased; hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) content increased gradually, while malondialdehyde (MDA) content first increased and then decreased, reaching its peak on the fourth day of treatment. The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POD) also first increased and then decreased, rising 80.91% and 51.54% on the sixth day of treatment respectively; catalase (CAT) activity increased 66.59% on the eighth day of treatment compared to the control; ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activity was relatively stable, while glutathione peroxidase (GPX) activity increased at first (reached a high level of 78.82% on the fourth day) and then decreased. The subsequent 3-day recovery was not able to restore the lodging phenotype of rice seedlings, and both above-ground and underground dry weights increased under all treatments. The root/shoot ratio of rice seedlings recovered from 2 or 4 days of submergence treatment increased, while the one recovered from 6 or 8 days of submergence treatment decreased. MDA and reactive oxygen species (ROS) contents continued to increase, prompting the activities of CAT and APX to increase, subsequently participating in scavenging ROS. Our results indicated that submergence resulted in decrease in photosynthetic pigments and relative water content, and quickly triggered the operation of enzymatic and non-enzymatic ROS scavenging system, leading to root/shoot imbalance, nutritional deficiency of rice seedlings, the whole plant overgrowth and lodging during the subsequent recovery. During the recovery, CAT and APX activities were triggered for the removal of the increasing ROS, and different submergence severity resulted in different root/shoot ratio changes, implying different recovery mechanisms.

Key words: rice; submergence; antioxidant enzyme activity

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